Thursday, February 2, 2012

The No-Money Down Green Real Estate Investing Strategy ...

The No-Money Down Green Real Estate Investing Strategy

This strategy is working great in this market no matter what your experience level is!

What?s new and good with you Green Real Estate Investors ? welcome to the Greenhabbing 101 blog.? Here is The No-Money Down Green Real Estate Investing Strategy.

Become a Green Eco-Consultant:? A green eco-consultant is someone who goes out and finds rehabbers and flippers that are seeking green consulting on their real estate projects so that they can acheive higher profits.

By inserting yourself into deals that are happening all around you, you can truly add a lot of value to your rehabbers and make chunks of cash by providing them with the Green Eco-Consulting (or outsourcing it to someone like us until you become comfortable enough to handle it on your own).

This is a really cool strategy because you are not risking any money or credit in these deals (just a small investment of your time).? Heck, it?s very possible that you can become an eco-consultant full time and create an income stream of 6 figures (one of our eco-consultants had a 6 figure year in 2011)!

Who qualifies to make a great green eco-consultant:

  • Brand new investors ? this is an awesome strategy to use because you are not required to invest any of your money into the deal.? You are basically just shopping around for rehabbers that already have deals in place and inserting yourself into the deal at the right time.? It?s a great way to build up your capital so you can then move on to flipping or buying and holding strategies in real estate.
  • Rehabbers ? if you are already rehabbing homes, obviously our greenhabbing strategies can assist you with creating higher profits.? On top of that, you can also refer your other rehabbing buddies over to us so we can create more greenhabbers for your area.? Can you imagine what 2-3 more greenhabbers in your area would mean for your green rehab comps?? Start to set the bar high!
  • Expert investors ? if you have been in the investing game for years and years, this is still an excellent strategy to incorportate into your business.? With all of the great relationships and contacts that you?ve created over the years you already have access to many other investors that are hungry to learn these green investing tactics.? You can either consult them yourself or pass them off to someone like us for a nice chunky referral fee.

As you can see, the No-Money Down Green Real Estate Investing Strategy can really work for any investor no matter how long you have been doing this.? Remember, once you become comfortable enough with green eco-consulting, you can start consulting on your own and earn 100% of the profits that you charge.? It?s a very scalable business that is in-demand for 2012 and beyond.

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a green eco-consultant, email: and request a 30 minute strategy call regarding our Green Eco-Consulting strategy and how you can assist other investors with creating higher profits (while increasing your profits at the same time)!

Ryan and In The Now Investments has been able to assist over 100 investors/homeowners with decreasing their utility bills and increasing the value of their home/rehab project.

I'm 26 yrs old and living life on overdrive! I love investing in real estate and also love playing guitar. I look forward to meeting you and sharing the incredible wealth that's out there in the real estate investing world. Let's do this together!


cypher last man standing jim thorpe pa jim thorpe pa terry francona ios 5 release date ios 5 release date

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